Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) commission most of the Hospital and community NHS services in the local areas for which they are responsible.
Commissioning involves deciding what services are needed for diverse local populations, and ensuring that they are provided.
CCGs are assured by NHS England, which retains responsibility for commissioning primary care services such as GP and Dental services, as well as some specialised Hospital services. Many GP services are now co-commissioned with CCGs.
All GP practices now belong to a CCG, but CCGs also include other Health Professionals, such as nurses.
Services CCGs commission include:
- most planned Hospital care
- rehabilitative care
- urgent and emergency care (including out-of-hours)
- most community health services
- mental health and learning disability services
Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group
Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is an NHS organisation. We are responsible for planning and buying healthcare services for Haringey residents (commissioning). CCGs were established by the government’s Health and Social Care Act 2012 and have replaced primary care trusts (PCTs). Haringey CCG is made up of all the GP practices in Haringey and is led by a Governing Body.
What we do
We commission (buy) the local health services that you might need and use. We commission lots of different types of healthcare services from hospitals and community-based providers, like blood testing and physiotherapy. We also work closely with Haringey Council who buy and provide some services which are part of both health and social care, such as nursing homes.
Along with commissioning services, we are responsible for monitoring how well these services are provided and delivered. We know that we can only do this if we hear and understand what people think of health services in Haringey, and we are committed to getting your feedback.
Our two main acute (hospital) providers in Haringey are the North Middlesex University Hospital and Whittington Health. Whittington Health is also the main community services provider in Haringey. Our main mental health service provider is Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust.
Primary care services in Haringey – GPs, dentists, optometrists and pharmacists – are not commissioned by the CCG, but by NHS England although from April 2017, Haringey CCG now has joint responsibility with NHS England for commissioning GP services in Haringey. Decisions about GP services are made by a Primary Care Joint Co-Commissioning Committee who meet in public. Meeting dates and papers are available on our website.
What we want to achieve
Our vision is to enable the people of Haringey to live long and healthy lives with access to safe, well co-ordinated and high quality services. We want to:
- Commission high quality, valued and responsive services, working in partnership with the public to make the best use of available resources
- Promote wellbeing, reduce health inequalities and improve health outcomes for local people
- Improve the health and quality of life for people by commissioning integrated health and social care delivered closer to home.
- Haringey Clinical Commissioning Group was established to commission health services for the population of Haringey and is accountable to NHS England.
- We are required to make decisions about what health services the local population needs (commissioning).
- The CCG is made up of all the GP practices in Haringey.
- The GP practices have decided how the CCG operates by developing a constitution.
- The CCG has a governing body made up of clinicians, lay members and NHS managers.
- We work jointly with Haringey Council and the Health and Wellbeing Board to help improve health and wellbeing and ensure integrated health and social care for Haringey residents.
- We would like to hear what you think about health services in Haringey.