Our Clinics

We run many clinics for the management of chronic diseases and offer a wide variety of medical services

These include:

The Practice Nurses will see patients with asthma at any time during their surgery hours. Every year we offer asthmatics an asthma review. This usually involves a discussion about how well symptoms are controlled, as well as checking peak flow and inhaler technique. If it is difficult for you to attend for a review, please complete our online asthma questionnaire which can be submitted to us when completed.
The diabetic clinics are run by our Nurse Practitioners. For information on all aspects of diabetic care, please visit Diabetes UK and this site includes a useful guide to Type 2 diabetes.
Our Nurses do change dressings for wounds and ulcers, but for long term management of these, you will be referred to the hospital. Additional dressings will be prescribed to those who are able to self-manage or have district nurses reviewing them.
All our doctors and nurses give advice on family planning and contraception issues. We also have 3 doctors and a specialist sexual health nurse who have enhanced training and can insert coils and implants at the surgery.
Flu and pneumococcal vaccines are administered by all our clinicians. They are offered to those who are over 65 and to those with chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, kidney or liver disease or cancer.

Flu vaccines for the year tend to become available in the late autumn and are only effective for that season. So, every year we run special flu clinics to vaccinate all those who need it during this season. Your doctor might also give you this during your routine appointment.

Pneumococcal vaccinations are available all year round and are again offered to patients who are over 65 with chronic diseases.

To find out if you are eligible for any other vaccines please contact us.
Minor surgery for removing moles and sebaceous cysts are available. Please speak to the receptionists if you would like to be assessed. We also have specially trained doctors who can perform some joint injections.
All our clinicians prescribe pain relief for chronic pain. Our pain management clinic is for patients who have poorly controlled and complex pain. We also give injections in the joints.
Please book to see a Nurse for the removal of stitches. Generally stitches should be removed after 5-7 days on the face, 10-14 days for skin over a joint and 7-10 days for all other skin. These times may vary according to the advice given by the clinicians and absorbable stitches do not need to be removed.
To pick up early signs of cervical cancer, we carry out routine smear tests once every 3 years on our female patients aged between 25 and 49 years. For those between 50 and 65 years smears will be done once every 5 years. However, tests will be performed more frequently if the results call for this. Vaginal swabs and tests for Chlamydia are not routinely carried out during cervical screening, but you can ask for separate appointments to have this done.

Please read Cervical screening for more information. Women who have read all the facts and wish to withdraw from the screening programme, can download and complete the form below. Please ensure you have read the “cervical screening – the facts” leaflet prior to completing the withdrawal form. Please post the completed form to the practice for our records.

Cervical Screening withdrawal form
We have a Nurse led ‘stop smoking clinic’ and all our clinicians will also offer you advice. We also prescribe nicotine replacement therapies and combined with regular counselling will most likely help you stop smoking.
Treatment support for the management of opiate drug misuse is offered at two of our surgeries – Lawrence House Surgery and Broadwater Farm Medical Practice. To register with the substance misuse service please contact – The Grove drug treatment service.
Our Doctors and Nurses are happy to discuss contraception, sexual health and other issues relevant to teenagers. Anything you tell them will be confidential just as they would for an adult. There are counselling services available within the borough for parents and teenagers.
Our Doctors and Nurses give advice on any issues affecting women and this includes contraception, the menopause, prenatal counselling or any other problems. You can request to see a female doctor if you prefer this. We Have specialists doctors who have advanced knowledge of managing the menopause and perimenopause, and initiate HRT.